zondag 27 november 2011


...is very annoying.

Recently I handed in an assignment in which we had to create a sculpt, based on a comicbook character.

the final piece had to contain high resolution sculpts of the model with a neutral facial expression and a range of facial expression, to be used in a facial rig.

We were never taught how to rig something, so the facial rig failed. However, the sculpt itself was fairly decent. As such, I was counting on a fairly high grade.

It ended up getting a 6 out of 10. And I have no idea why, as no feedback has yet been given. The teachers @ uni are great, but sometimes they just cant teach. Or be teachers.

woensdag 9 november 2011

vrijdag 4 november 2011

no sleep...

...and other funs things my brain does.

when i cant sleep, my brains makes all these weird connections between completely unrelated subjects. it's funny and odd at the same time, because i'm aware of how strange these connections are, whilst they happen. other fun things are of course hallucinations :)

when i'm very sleepy and tired, but for whatever reason i cant sleep, i'll start seeing and hearing things. figures in reflections, sounds from games i play, voices, explosions. whatever my brains feels the need to produce. and again, i'm aware of the fact that i'm hallucinating, which makes it a very interesting situation.
i've never been freaked out by any of these hallucinations, because i know what they are.

the only time i was freaked out by something my brain did, was when i was really sick, a few years ago. i've had a fever for a few days. a high fever. as in, i was on the verge of having to be rushed to hospital. after a few days of this fever, my brain suddenly decided to shut down vision-support temporarily.

in other words, i suddenly went blind. from one second to the next, i couldnt see. the good thing was, it lasted all but 5 seconds, probably a lot less. it still scared the crap out of me though.

right, i'll try and get some sleep now. probably wont work. we'll see.

donderdag 3 november 2011



at the moment i have nothing to talk about. except deadlines.

deadlines, while i appreciate the need for them, suck big hairy donkey balls.
especially when you have to make blendshapes and morphtargets and facialrigs without having been shown HOW.

that's where i am at right now. i need to make this stuff, but i only have the vaguest idea of how to actually do it. it's very annoying.

you know what else is annoying? the kids that live in the house behind my room. sometimes, i wish i could just yell at them and scream for them to shut the fuck up, without being regarded as an asshole.

kids suck, imho. they creep me out. i dont like them. shouldnt the little fuckers be in school or something? instead of sounding like retarded donkeys fucking?
no really, that's what these kids sound like. :S


well, back to drawing. i need to draw an environment. joy. i've never done that before in my life. at least, not on the level they expect of me :(