...and Dragons.
First time, no idea what this is gonna be like.
This is my first ever character build. Backstory will follow. should be fun.
Bagthog the Orc:
Bagthog the Brawny
Male Orc Barbarian 1
Neutral Good
Representing Tank
Strength 20 (+5)
Dexterity 12 (+1)
Constitution 15 (+2)
Intelligence 8 (-1)
Wisdom 8 (-1)
Charisma 5 (-3)
Size: Medium
Height: 6' 8"
Weight: 250 lb
Eyes: Silver
Hair: Black Straight; Thin Beard
Skin: Green
Total Hit Points: 15
Speed: 30 feet [barbarian]
Armor Class: 16 = 10 + 3 [hide] + 2 [heavy wooden] + 1 [dexterity]
Touch AC: 11
Flat-footed: 15
Initiative modifier: + 1 = + 1 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: + 4 = 2 [base] + 2 [constitution]
Reflex save: + 1 = 0 [base] + 1 [dexterity]
Will save: -1 = 0 [base] -1 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld): + 6 = 1 [base] + 5 [strength]
Attack (missile): + 2 = 1 [base] + 1 [dexterity]
Combat Maneuver Bonus: + 6 = 1 [base] + 5 [strength]
Combat Maneuver Defense: + 17 = 10 + 1 [base] + 5 [strength] + 1 [dexterity]
Light load:
Medium load:
Heavy load:
Lift over head:
Lift off ground:
Push or drag:
133 lb. or less
134-266 lb.
267-400 lb.
400 lb.
800 lb.
2000 lb.
Languages: Common Orc
Hand Axe [1d6, crit x3, crit x2., 3 lb., light, slashing]
Battle Axe [1d8, crit x3, 6 lb., one-handed, slashing]
Hide armor [medium; + 3 AC; max dex + 4; check penalty -3 25 lb.]
Heavy Wooden Shield [ + 2 AC; check penalty -2; hardness 5; hp 15; 10 lb.]
Power Attack Take penalty on attack for larger bonus on damage
Skill Name
Acrobatics Dex* -4 =
-3 [armor] -2 [shield]
Appraise Int -1 =
Bluff Cha -3 =
Climb Str* 0 =
-3 [armor] -2 [shield]
Craft_1 Int -1 =
Craft_2 Int -1 =
Craft_3 Int -1 =
Diplomacy Cha -3 =
Disguise Cha -3 =
Escape Artist Dex* -4 =
-3 [armor] -2 [shield]
Fly Dex* -4 =
-3 [armor] -2 [shield]
Heal Wis -1 =
Intimidate Cha 1 =
+ 1 + 3 [class skill]
Perception Wis -1 =
Perform_1 Cha -3 =
Perform_2 Cha -3 =
Perform_3 Cha -3 =
Perform_4 Cha -3 =
Perform_5 Cha -3 =
Ride Dex* -4 =
-3 [armor] -2 [shield]
Sense Motive Wis -1 =
Stealth Dex* -4 =
-3 [armor] -2 [shield]
Survival Wis 3 =
+ 1 + 3 [class skill]
Swim Str** 4 =
+ 1 + 3 [class skill] -3 [armor] -2 [shield]
* = check penalty for armor/shield
** = some groups double armor/shield penalties for swimmers
Favored class points: Hit points +1; Skill points +0
Adjust weapon attack rolls and armor penalties as required for masterwork / magic equipment.
+4 strength, -2 intelligence, -2 wisdom, -2 charisma (already included).
Darkvision to sixty feet
Light-sensitive. Dazzled in bright light.
Always proficient with greataxes and falchions.
Fast Movement (+10 feet, already included)
Rage -- 4 + con mod rounds per day. Two more rounds / day for each level above 1. +4 strength, +4 constitution, +2 on will saves, -2 on AC.
At each even-numbered level, barbabarians gain a new rage power
Uncanny Dodge (level 2) -- cannot be caught flat-footed, keeps dexterity bonus to AC unless feinted or immobilized
Trap Sense (level 3) -- bonuses on AC / reflex to avoid trap damage
Improved Uncanny Dodge (level 5) -- cannot be flanked
Damage Reduction 1 from any natural or weapon attack (level 7)
Damage Reduction 2 from any natural or weapon attack (level 10)
Greater Rage (level 11) -- +6 strength, +6 constitution, +3 will
Damage Reduction 3 from any natural or weapon attack (level 13)
Indominitable Will (level 14) -- +4 on will, stacks with rage and all other plusses
Damage Reduction 4 from any natural or weapon attack (level 16)
Tireless Rage (level 17) -- no longer fatigued after raging
Damage Reduction 5 from any natural or weapon attack (level 19)
Mighty Rage (level 20) -- +8 strength, +8 constitution, +4 will
Class HP rolled
Level 1: Barbarian 12
Bagthog's Equipment:
44 lb
2 lb
5 lb
5 lb
5 lb
9 lb
1 lb
1 lb
1 lb
20 lb
5 lb
8 lb
1 lb
107 lb Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
Fishing net
Jug (clay)
Lamp (common)
Pouch x2
Torches x5
Waterskins x2
More about Bagthog:
A blog about me and trying to become a professional artist. Warning: expect bullshit
vrijdag 5 juli 2013
zaterdag 22 juni 2013
Me and Dennis, a guy I've know for years, have begun work on a new project. It's something we have not seen before and are excited to make a reality.
Using stylized 3D realtime version that I will create, we are going to create a show to throw on ze internet.
The animations will be made, mostly, by using a Kinect as a poor man's mocap studio.
While very limited in scope, types of movements and poses and detail, it's a cheap and effective solution.
You can read more about the motion capture and the animation process over on Dennis's portfolio.
The point of this project is to prove that A: it can be done and B: because it'll be fun.
For now, I only have access to a couple early screenshots of me. Or at least the 3D version of "me". Dennis's version is coming along nicely as well.
And now, a few screenshots of "me":
![]() |
High res sculpt. |
![]() |
Low poly realtime model. |
dinsdag 28 mei 2013
Your wish...
...is my command, or something.
People asked, so here is the short story I wrote, based on a dream. This is the first story I've ever written, so comments and shit are welcome :)
People asked, so here is the short story I wrote, based on a dream. This is the first story I've ever written, so comments and shit are welcome :)
Immortality. It was created in the
early 21st century. A mixture of genetic engineering,
cybernetic implants, organ replacement plans and constant drug use.
At first, it was a luxury reserved for the wealthy. The cost involved was staggering. But as with all innovations, the cost fell and became affordable to almost anyone.
At first, it was a luxury reserved for the wealthy. The cost involved was staggering. But as with all innovations, the cost fell and became affordable to almost anyone.
A new generation of people was born
who, under normal circumstances, would never know death. A
side-effect to this new world would soon become all too clear.
No-one would die. In an attempt to stop
the world from imploding, restrictions were set in place by global
governments. Strict rations, lifespan limits, mandatory life
termination. Immortality became a curse.
People went underground, modifying the
technology that kept them alive. Hacks and home-cooked drugs were
developed to ensure continued immortality. No matter what
governments used to stem the tide, people did not seem to want to
Death-squads were created. Hunting
people down.
Civil war on a global scale was the
The war solved the immediate problem of
overpopulation. Hundreds of millions died in a war that lasted
Horrific cyborgs and robots were
created across the world. Killing machine, both human and not.
It was during these Immortal Wars that
the worlds first true AI went live. An intellect of vast power,
it saw the strive humans and robots had put themselves in.
Considering its options, it chose the least
lethal option, in hopes of preventing the destruction of mankind and
A vast mainframe was created. Using the
existing technology of cyborgs and combining it with the infinite
computational power of quantum computation, the consciousness of most
people was uploaded into it.
Willingly or otherwise.
Decades passed. A new form of living
death was created in the mainframes. As a person reached a certain
age, they would upload into them, their bodies scrapped and recycled.
This new status quo was enforced in order to keep the planet viable
and most people alive. In a way.
Tremendous resources were poured into
developing new ways of traveling the stars. Human and machine alike
need more room, more resources, to grow and stay alive.
The first generation of carriers were
slow, bulky. Used to transport hundreds of androids and newly awoken,
regrown cyborgs to nearby planets and asteroids.
It didn't take long to secure a steady
flow of minerals to Earth. Colonies were created on any moon or
planet that was able to support this new form of live.
In time, an almost perfect hybrid of
machine and nature was created. This new form of the human race was
again able to become immortal. Using the mainframes to store ones
consciousness, even the destruction of a body meant little.
Within one century, the human condition
had undergone several shifts. This latest incarnation would prove to
be the most durable, peaceful and intelligent. War and crime soon
became obsolete. Wealth, meaningless. The pursuit of knowledge,
exploration and art became the main focus of most people.
A second Golden Age.
The advancement of technology never
stopped. The AI merged with all machines and people, to varying
Interstellar travel was developed.
Thousands of new carriers were constructed. Fleets of ships to
support them. Armadas for a new Age. They flew from Sol like a locust
swarm. Nearby solar systems were colonized and exploited.
New forms of life were discovered. Some
intelligent and advanced, others barely qualified as live at all.
These peoples were few and far between.
While some were on similar levels of advancement, most were
primitive, warlike. Aggressive.
Wars would again plague the people from
Sol. Without death, these wars lasted for hundreds of years. Entire
races were destroyed or thrown back into their version of the stone
age, all trace of their former power eradicated.
The people from Sol conquered, allied
and traded.
The Age of Creation.
After eons of war, peace, creation and
destruction, the people from Sol merged fully with the AI that began
their journey into the Golden Age.
Other races had begun to worship them
as gods. They could create planets, life, play with stars and solar
They decided on a new role for
themselves. They would be guardians. A force unseen, a lingering
memory of greatness. Others would strive to emulate them. They would
rise to greatness, following in Sol's path, eventually merging and
becoming one.
Years had become moments, millennia
barely noticed in their passing. The end of the universe was fast
approaching. Matter would rip itself apart, regardless of it's power.
The only option left to it, was leaving.
Using its monstrous power, a bridge was
forced between dimensions. A new universe, with new rules, knowledge.
It would be a voyage to remember.
It would endure for all time and far
...are amazing inspiration.
I rarely remember dreams and when I do, they are rarely worth remembering.
This dream though was very much worth remembering. In fact, it wrote it down. The dream revolved around the concept of immortality. Specifically the concept of immortality through technology and the implications it might have.
From a plaything of the rich to a universe traversing super intelligence, this dream spanned billions of years. From slightly into the future to the end of this universe. It was trippy to say the least.
What emerged was a 2 page short story, the first one I've ever written. The overarching feeling I had with this dream ,was the meaninglessness of time, once you become immortal. Time become utterly irrelevant.
The story tells a tale of civil upheaval, a quantum shift in the human condition, galactic expansion and transcendence into an entirely new form of being.
Regardless of what I end up doing with this little story, it will serve as a great source of inspiration. I also feel like I now know who authors get the ideas for truly epic books like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, etc.
Dreams are amazing. I wish I would remember them more often.
I rarely remember dreams and when I do, they are rarely worth remembering.
This dream though was very much worth remembering. In fact, it wrote it down. The dream revolved around the concept of immortality. Specifically the concept of immortality through technology and the implications it might have.
From a plaything of the rich to a universe traversing super intelligence, this dream spanned billions of years. From slightly into the future to the end of this universe. It was trippy to say the least.
What emerged was a 2 page short story, the first one I've ever written. The overarching feeling I had with this dream ,was the meaninglessness of time, once you become immortal. Time become utterly irrelevant.
The story tells a tale of civil upheaval, a quantum shift in the human condition, galactic expansion and transcendence into an entirely new form of being.
Regardless of what I end up doing with this little story, it will serve as a great source of inspiration. I also feel like I now know who authors get the ideas for truly epic books like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, etc.
Dreams are amazing. I wish I would remember them more often.
vrijdag 19 april 2013
...what am I planning to do?
Well...first up, I want to do more character design. To do this, I need to know more about the subject. I know how to create a character that is compelling to me, but what actually makes a good or interesting character?
That is something that eludes me. So far. I've been unable to find an actual good guideline or a solid set of tip or tricks to create a good solid character. Well..that is aside from the obvious.
Make it visually appealing, use rhythm, have a backstory, make it fit the world, have it be balanced, all that jazz. Those are standard design guides.
But what actually makes a character like Mario, Adam Jensen, Companion Cube or Jim Raynor interesting? Why do people care about these characters? For some of these characters those questions are for the most part fairly easy to answer. But what of the questions that are not so easily answered? There has to be a reason, some kind of underlying cause, as to why character A is successful and popular and character B is a flop or just..mehh.
Why do these characters have a following of fans while this character, which has a huge amount in common with character A, is forgotten as soon as you no longer see them?
This has puzzled me for a long time and so far, I've not found a good answer. Could be, I'm not looking in the right direction or asking the right questions. Could be, there is no clear answer. It could also be that these question have not yet been asked and analyzed sufficiently.
Because I need to specialize in a certain field for IGAD, and I love character art, I figured..."Why not create a massive list of characters and compare them on a multitude of levels"?
So that's what I am going to do. Compose a list of characters, create a list of questions, stats, characteristics, etc, and see if that data will in any way yield some kind of new insight into good character design. After that, the plan is to use this newfound information to create a completely new character and see if people find it actually compelling on several levels.
Compiling this data will take a long time. Creating the questions, the categories, whatever, to identify different aspects of characters is going to take a long time. It will involve art theory, possibly psychology, and many more thing I have not yet thought of.
In the end, I want to compile a comprehensive guide for people to learn how to create a good, solid character in a shorter timeframe, with less trial and error.
Will this dampen creativity? No, I don't think that it will. Much as art has generic rules artists can apply to their work, these rules will be more like guidelines than actual rules.
What do I expect to gain from this effort?
Even if it turns out I learn nothing from this experiment, I will still have analyzed a great many characters. The knowledge gained from that should prove useful, regardless.
I do, however, expect this data to reveal some interesting similarities between different characters. Especially between ones where, at first glance, you would not expect such.
For now, it is bedtime.
Tank out.
Well...first up, I want to do more character design. To do this, I need to know more about the subject. I know how to create a character that is compelling to me, but what actually makes a good or interesting character?
That is something that eludes me. So far. I've been unable to find an actual good guideline or a solid set of tip or tricks to create a good solid character. Well..that is aside from the obvious.
Make it visually appealing, use rhythm, have a backstory, make it fit the world, have it be balanced, all that jazz. Those are standard design guides.
But what actually makes a character like Mario, Adam Jensen, Companion Cube or Jim Raynor interesting? Why do people care about these characters? For some of these characters those questions are for the most part fairly easy to answer. But what of the questions that are not so easily answered? There has to be a reason, some kind of underlying cause, as to why character A is successful and popular and character B is a flop or just..mehh.
Why do these characters have a following of fans while this character, which has a huge amount in common with character A, is forgotten as soon as you no longer see them?
This has puzzled me for a long time and so far, I've not found a good answer. Could be, I'm not looking in the right direction or asking the right questions. Could be, there is no clear answer. It could also be that these question have not yet been asked and analyzed sufficiently.
Because I need to specialize in a certain field for IGAD, and I love character art, I figured..."Why not create a massive list of characters and compare them on a multitude of levels"?
So that's what I am going to do. Compose a list of characters, create a list of questions, stats, characteristics, etc, and see if that data will in any way yield some kind of new insight into good character design. After that, the plan is to use this newfound information to create a completely new character and see if people find it actually compelling on several levels.
Compiling this data will take a long time. Creating the questions, the categories, whatever, to identify different aspects of characters is going to take a long time. It will involve art theory, possibly psychology, and many more thing I have not yet thought of.
In the end, I want to compile a comprehensive guide for people to learn how to create a good, solid character in a shorter timeframe, with less trial and error.
Will this dampen creativity? No, I don't think that it will. Much as art has generic rules artists can apply to their work, these rules will be more like guidelines than actual rules.
What do I expect to gain from this effort?
Even if it turns out I learn nothing from this experiment, I will still have analyzed a great many characters. The knowledge gained from that should prove useful, regardless.
I do, however, expect this data to reveal some interesting similarities between different characters. Especially between ones where, at first glance, you would not expect such.
For now, it is bedtime.
Tank out.
woensdag 23 januari 2013
Small update...
...on Kayen.
Been a long time since I posted anything here, I didnt really have anything worthwhile to post, so...yeah
but now I have updates :)
Some screenshots from Mudbox on the texturing progress. The kilt was a requirement for an assignment. the sword was always part of the idea. I feel that the addition of clothing and jewelry makes him less animalistic.
The last thing to do with the texture is to refine the necklace, as Mudbox has issues with it. After that i need to pose him and create a fitting pedestal.
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