dinsdag 27 september 2011


...dont last forever.

Sometimes they need a fresh coating of windows. so today i'll be spending a good while reinstalling my laptop.

should be loads of fun :S

woensdag 21 september 2011

Concept art...

...is one of the new classes this year. That sounds really cool, right? It is, but...
we're supposed to draw something more then just a pretty picture. We need to convey a feeling, a mood. The final drawing has to be able to function like a pitch for a story, a movie, etc.

The problem is, I've never done something like that before. I have no idea how to do that and I am stuck. I just can't get a good idea. Nothing seems to fit.

Very annoying. Stupid brain....

maandag 19 september 2011


...is pretty damn complex.

But also really very fascinating.

We just started a new year at IGAD and one of my courses is human anatomy. We basically need to learn all of the bones and most of the muscles that humans have, in order to accurately portrait and animate a human.

The main project of this course is to re-create a piece of the human body, using nurbs and polygons. That should be interesting.